Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Whole Wheat Ladi Pav

The busiest city &  the financial capital of India runs on this. From kids to adults and the elderly, from the rich to the poor, from shoppers to the joggers, from the privileged to the underprivileged, from celebrities to the common man, practically everyone in Mumbai survive on this staple. 
One of the most famous and most liked Indian bread, the Ladi Pav is a favorite within every Indian household. From Vada Pav to Misal Pav to Pav Bhaji, Anda Pav to everything you can imagine, this soft and tasty bread is the best accompaniment.

Soft and Tasty Pav to make the perfect Pav Bhaji


  • 3 cups whole wheat flour 
  • ¾ cup whole milk
  • ¾ cup water
  • 2 tsp yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp butter


  • Mix the water, milk and sugar and heat till lukewarm.
  • Add the yeast and wait for it to activate

Mix the yeast in warm milk and sugar to activate it

This is what the yeast will look like when it is activated

  • Pour into the whole wheat flour and knead for 15 minutes to form a smooth, elastic dough.
Pour the activated yeast in the flour and knead

Knead for 15 minutes to form a soft elastic dough

  • Proof in a warm place for 1½ to 2 hours or until it doubles in size.
Dough should be soft and elastic and set aside for 2 hours for proofing

  • Deflate the dough, knead again for 5 mins.
Dough should rise to almost twice the original size when proofed

  • Divide into 8 parts, roll each into a ball and placed on a greased baking tray.
Divide the dough into 8 parts and place in a baking tray

  • Proof for another hour.
  • Brush it with milk and bake for 25 mins at 180°.
Proof the dough for 5 more mins and brush the top with milk
  • Once out of the oven, brush the pav with butter.

Once out of the oven brush the top with butter

Soft Fluffy Pav is ready

Evenly baked from the outside and inside

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